Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship

Learn the benefits
of citizenship of Saint Kitts
and Nevis
St. Kitts and Nevis, the country of the Caribbean is widely known among tourists and foreign businessmen. The island was a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland until 1983. After gaining independence, the Government of the country has developed an investment program that allows citizens of foreign countries to obtain a passport of Saint Kitts and Nevis for economic investments. Officially, the acquisition of citizenship became possible since 1984. The investment program is one of the most convenient and fast to obtain a second identity documents among the Caribbean islands.
An amendment that accelerates the processing of applications and the attribution of citizenship for investment was adopted in October 2016. The program provides for the purchase of real estate in St. Kitts and Nevis or a financial investment in the development of the sugar industry. A foreigner retains the right to leave a native passport valid and to pass the procedure for obtaining citizenship without the requirement toward residence in the country.
Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship acquisition
Investor applications to the public authorities of Saint Kitts and Nevis are submitted by special registered authorized persons. International LLC company is a certified agent of the Caribbean country on registration foreigners to citizenship. Our lawyers will prepare relevant package of documents meeting the requirements of the program for accelerated receiving of Caribbean passport.
Accelerated program in 1,5 months
Absence of requirements toward language knowledge
Return of the invested funds
The possibility to receive a passport remotely
Retention of native citizenship
Law investment threshold
Saint Kitts and Nevis passport for the contribution to sustainable growth fund (SGF)

For getting citizenship through the investment to Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) the investor must conduct an irrevocable contribution in amount of 150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand) USD. The following requirements are imposed on applicants for a Nevis passport:
- The age of majority - 18 years
- Having official source of income
- Passage of the security check
- Compliance with established medical criteria
- Impeccable personal reputation
- Absence of refusals of visa applications to countries with visa-free for citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis
For considering the application for obtaining a passport by the Government, the foreign investor has to pay mandatory fees for due diligence checks and processing of the documents in amount of 7,500 (seven thousand five hundred) USD. For each family member over 16 years old, who is fully dependent on the main applicant the fee is USD 4,000. The following family members may be included into the application for citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis:
Unmarried children in the age of 18 to 30 years
Parents aged 55 or above, fully dependent on the applicant
Use the help of lawyers of
the International LLC
company for application,
passing of the procedure
of investment and obtaining
the second passport
Saint Kitts and Nevis passport for real estate investment

The second option of acquisition of St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship for investments is purchasing a real estate valued at USD 200,000 (resalable after 7 years) or USD 400,000 (resalable after 5 years) for each main applicant. The Government provides a list of approved projects, which can include the stocks of the hotels, villas, parts of large construction projects.
Irrevocable Governmental fees for checks and processing of the documents should necessarily be paid – USD 7,500 (seven thousand five hundred) for the main applicant and is USD 4,000 for each dependent.
After the approval for receiving citizenship for purchasing real estate an additional state fee in applied. The amount of the fee is individual for each applicant:
USD 35,000 - The main applicant
USD 20,000 - Spouse
USD 10,000 - Family member of any age, fully dependent on the investor
Apart from the fees the investor must pay a compulsory contribution to an insurance fund and too pay transporting fees. Check the amount of additional payment with our lawyers.
The investor has the right to rent out purchased real estate, which allows to return the invested money with time. The investor should retain the ownership of the property within 5 years after the purchase. The right of acquiring St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship is not extended to the next owner.
How to get Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship
of the Contract
The work on registering to Caribbean citizenship begins with conclusion of the Contract with our company. We conduct legal analysis and assessment of applicant’s documents and match suitable investment program.
of the documents
The lawyers of our company will prepare certified translations of the documents required for St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship, carry out compulsory procedure of apostille and fill in relevant application.
for citizenship
We will help you to carry out payments of the mandatory state fees for obtaining Caribbean citizenship. Our lawyers will submit the set of your documents to St. Kitts and Nevis’ Migration Service.
due diligence checks
The documents of each applicant for citizenship undergoes due diligence check for compliance with legislative conditions. Following an inspection, the Commission for Citizenship sends official confirmation letter.
of citizenship
Based on the inspection result the Commission for Citizenship approves the implementation of the principal amount of investments and grant the investor and other applicants with a status of a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis. The applicant receives the certificate of citizenship that allows to process a passport.
Advantages of second citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Travelling the world visa-free
Nevis’ citizenship allows to travel to 128 countries, including Schengen States, UK and others without applying for entry permit.
Personal data protection
Information regarding granting of the passport of St. Kitts and Nevis to a foreigner is kept by the Government in full confidentiality.
Additional place to live in
At any time, the holder of the passport can come to St. Kitts and Nevis for permanent residence. Citizenship allows staying in the country unlimited period of time.
Running business
Saint Kitts and Nevis citizen can register own international company using Caribbean passport and develop his business under favorable conditions.
Zero-rate taxes
The assessment of taxes on business income in other states, capital gains tax, donation, property, inheritance and other is canceled at the legislative level.
Citizenship by inheritance
The obtained citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis is preserved for life and is transferred to descendants.
Get the citizenship
of Saint Kitts and Nevis
under the fast procedure